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Votiamo SI ai Referendum su Acqua e Nucleare
12 e 13 GIUGNO -  ()
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L'Associazione Cohousing in Toscana ha fra i suoi valori e obiettivi qualificanti la salvaguardia dell'ambiente, il risparmio energetico, l'uso sostenibile delle risorse naturali, tra le quali l'Acqua...

Per questo sostiene i referendum del 12/13 giugno
  • 02/12/2012 - Sapik

  • Oh thank you for posting this. I am mtetdaiing on this at the moment, and had been feeling selfish for not just fully apprecating community life, and for even wanting downtime and family time in the first place. We have great community in our street 9 kids and we share our space. Yet, I have a two year old and we face a street (albeit a cul-de-sac), so out of sight is a little more worrying for me and a no-goer on the street unless I am there. I feel extremely thankful for my neighbours and have always wanted to live like this. I've found a few things though; like you less downtime, like you less family time (although I guess we just expand what we mean by family), my daughter would ALWAYS prefer to be playing with the others over any other option, and our family rhythm was disrupted (and having a toddler I had spent so long nailing that one). I also realised I have a long way to go in communicating our needs as a family, and also OWNING it by that I mean owning the direction I am taking our family in, our beliefs, our boundaries, and feeling like it was more than okay to set boundaries. I know my kid needs a sleep at a certain time or she will start pushing others. My neighbours are brilliant, and on the same end of the continuum and I couldn't wish for better, yet I also know there are subtle differences in our children and styles, different family compositions (I'm single whereas there are four parnets in the next house) my own needs for introverted re-fueling, reading time, time to cook/clean/etc, family time. It's a beautiful growing opportunity. I'm blessed, yet growing up relationally and into community can also take a lot more than chilling in your own little home isolated from everyone. I have SOOOO much to learn. Thank you for sharing I don't feel so crazy or hideous now. I felt like I had freakish re-fuel levels before getting that this can be an area others experience.

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